Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Tibetan Singing Bowl Therapy Reduces Stress, Physical and Emotional Strain

With busy schedules and hectic lives, it’s easy to feel overcome with stress. When you’re stressed, your brain sounds the “fight or flight” alarms, triggering a surge of hormones, an increase in heart rate, blood pressure, and blood sugar. It alters the immune, digestive and reproductive system and according to the American Psychological Association, chronic stress can cause tension headaches, migraines, increase the risk for hypertension, heart attack, and stroke, lead to stomach ulcers and more. The Mayo Clinic says it can also lead to anxiety, depression, sleep problems, weight gain, and impair memory and concentration.
Many of us have go-to stress reducers like exercise, spending time outdoors, socializing, massage and maybe meditation. Another option, although not new, is the ancient practice of sound therapy.
For years, people have used soothing sounds to assist in meditation, relaxation, or even sleep. Sound therapy, a healing practice used in many ancient cultures, takes these healing sounds a step further, using vibrations to possibly heal physical aches and pains, reduce stress or other mental and emotional issues. It also is believed to relieve a blockage of the chakras or the energy points in the body.
“So many of us need to slow down and relax,” said Maria Dummermuth, a fitness instructor and certified Tibetan singing bowl healer who has been using singing bowls for healing for the past two years.
Dummermuth, 42, earned her certification in singing bowl therapy from the Atmabuti School of Vibrational Healing in Boulder, Colo., in April of 2016 after teaching fitness classes- from yoga to BodyPump and everywhere in between- for years.
When we are in pain or are ill, she said it may be because our cells have “vibrated out of balance.”
“Sound and vibration bring you into a more centered space,” she said, explaining that the therapy can release pain and tension by vibrating those cells “back into balance.”

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